
Moon is the brightest hometown, Love is Juncera

2021-09-17 05:06:58 admin 936
    Moon is looking forward to, moon is romantic; Moon is missing, moon is round.On the occasion of 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, Zibo Juncera Ceramic Material Co., Ltd. to the company's staff and their families to express cordial holiday condolences and best wishes!
    Every festive holiday times, some employees don't have time with their family, especially in the day of the Mid-Autumn festival, in order to ensure the normal operation of company, still stick to jobs, loyal to their duties, through Jingdong Express, the company sends a blessing to every employee's family , and declare our intentions: Thank you for your hard work!
    Entering the fourth quarter, it is a critical moment for the development of Jun Tao.The company calls on everyone to spare no effort to do a good job.During the festival, we should do a good job of arson, anti-theft, prevention of safety accidents three prevention education, key parts to send someone on duty, to prevent the occurrence of accidents.We must ensure the normal working order, so that our company's operation and production continue to maintain a good momentum.
    Finally, Juncera wish everyone and their families have a happy holiday, good healthy!
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